The Heatpack company – is a forward manufacturer of proffesional physiotherapist devices, with more than 10 years of experiences in the segment. They are one of Europeans biggest manufacturer of special wheat and the levander, used in products, while they assimilate the production to costumers‘ individual needs in the maximum possible rate.
HEATPACK Body wrap
Thermotherapy – Heatpack was invented in cooperation with proffesional physiotherapists and athletes in UK. It’s appropiate for warm and cold therapy for several kinds of body pains.
- Dry heat / cold.
- Quick and practical.
- Absorbs pain of muscles, joints and spine.
Thermotherapy – Heatpack was invented in cooperation with proffesional physiotherapists and athletes in UK. It’s appropiate for warm and cold therapy for several kinds of body pains.
- Dry heat / cold.
- Quick and practical.
- Absorbs pain of muscles, joints and spine.
The products can be bought in:
In every good pharmacy, and also in pharmacy nets as: : Dr.MAX, BENU, SCHNEIDER, VAŠA LEKÁREŇ, LEKÁREŇ PARTNER, LEKÁREŇ PLUS, LEKÁREŇ SOS, MOJA LEKÁREŇ and on E-SHOPE.